by Sep 13, 2020Business, Technologies0 comments

5 Easy ways to speed up your website

As we know that in our daily life everything goes fast and all the users want to run the applications on just one click.  For this purpose, a lot of different tools are available in the computer field. For the facilitation of user’s different companies are developing different apparatuses for boosting websites to grow the business globally.

After developing a website, the next challenge which is faced by the developers is how they can speeding-up-your-website-database and makes it easily accessible for the user.

For this purpose, there are a lot of different tools being used:

1)   Reduce your images.

Sometimes different users visit your website at the same time. They also can use different old versions of browsers that take a lot of time to open it due to the large size of their images. To overcome this problem, use image editing programs to adjust the correct size of the image before adding it to the site, this will also boost up the speed of your site.

2) Enable browser caching

A lot of users visit different websites by using different resources and get useful information and save for the future. If the browser caching is not enabled then users can use all resources at any time. But on the other hand, if this option is enabled then it will boost up the efficiency of your website.

3)  Reduce Redirects

Many ways are available to reduce redirects. We can use these tools and tips for reducing the redirects and boost up the website for the user.

4) Reduce Http Requests

Another useful tool for boosting up a website is the reduction of HTTP requests, it means to reduce the size of texture files, or if it is possible to combine these files within a single file. This method also boosts the speed of your website.

5)  Make use of CDN’s

Another technique that is boosting your website is the use of CDN’s means content delivery networks which is useful for vast network servers that are hosted all over the different networks. Without using this you can only access it for limited users, while after using this website accessibility is vaster and more effective.


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