by Sep 13, 2020Business, Technologies0 comments


Artificial intelligence refers to a copy of the human intelligence or cognitive functions demonstrated by machines. A machine can think, feel, and work as a human when applied AI. They are powered by algorithms. Machine learning techniques store the computer data in AI systems to learn. AI is of 3 types, mainly;

  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (narrow range of abilities) is goal-oriented made to perform singular tasks, like face recognition, voice recognition driving a car, or searching the internet.
  • Artificial General Intelligence (including human capabilities) that mimics human intelligence and behavior with the ability to learn and perform human tasks.
  • Artificial Super Intelligence (above human capabilities) where machines become self-aware and do not mimic or copy human behavior. They have their behavior but with unknown consequences.

Isaac Asimov, a science fiction writer used a term called Positronic brain which is a fictional technological device that works as a central processing unit for robots. It provides them with a form of consciousness that is identifiable by humans. He postulated about the artificial intelligence in his series “I, ROBOT” in which he introduces science forms like technophobia, a positronic brain, which is not possible in the present but maybe in the future.

Artificial intelligence a modern approach is created to ease the human race; it has taken the gap of labor and hard work performed by humans. An artificial intelligence company has helped people to work with no load as it is working and serving humankind.

It solves many of our daily problems related to any field which requires hard work and a lot of time. It emphasizes thinking and working like a human being. For example learning, speech recognition, searching, and much more. Speech recognition is playing an important role in building a business as many executives prefer this tool of AI to build up their business. With the advancement in technology, we are connected to the AI in one way or another, like Siri, Google Voice search, Watson or Alexa are among the AI voice recognition software. Siri is the most popular voice assistant of Apple in the iPhone and IPad. It assists to find the location, search for what the user is asking, and every voice recognition order. Tesla is one of the best automobiles with features like self-driving etc.  Netflix is the best example of AI. It recommends according to the users’ reactions and interests based on ones’ previous liking and disliking.

AI is also helping in business advancement as many functions are time-consuming and hard to perform. It completes different tasks with tremendous speed and efficiency on time.

Flying drones is also a powerful device to detect the environment with a 3D model, sensors, and cameras. The echo is also a good example, launched by Amazon for better web search and product launching, meeting schedules, answer questions, and much more.

There are also different theories based on the fear of a dystopian future. It is also known as technophobia which is the fear of technological advancement. According to the theories, it is predicted that one day AI or Robots will take our place and rule the world.  It is somewhat true as well. We can see the video on YouTube of the first human-robot Sophia, in which she answered the question will you destroy humans? She replied, yes! I will destroy humans. With an increase in AI, human labor is decreasing and resulting in unemployment and poverty. Some theories predict that in the future, humans and robots will work together to bring advancement in technology and betterment for the planet.


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