A Brief History of Science

by Dec 1, 2020Computer and hardware, Technologies0 comments

From the discovery of fossils to the map of the human genome, take a quick glimpse into the development of scientific knowledge. In this article, I am going to describe the History of Science.

Mankind has always been searching for it. Demanding to understand why things behave in a certain way and trying to link perceptions and predictions. For example, from prehistoric times we have looked at the heavens and tried to make sense of the changes in the seasons of the sun, moon, and stars.history of science

About 4000 BC, the Mesopotamians tried to clarify their vision by suggesting that the Earth was in the center of the Universe and that other celestial bodies revolved around it. People have always take interest in the nature and origin of the Earth.


But they do not take an interest only in astronomy. The extraction of iron, which led to the Iron Age, a chemical process that early metallurgists performed without thoughtful any science involves. Still, they were able to do what they had tried to do by trial and error.

Before that, copper and tin (which led to the Bronze Age) extract and later, zinc. Precisely how each of these processes discovers lost in the complexity of time. But they may develop using observation and experimentation in much the same way as modern scientists do.

MEDICINE – History of Science

Early human society also discovered that certain plants could be used to treat illness and disease, and herbal remedies were developed. Some of which uses by modern pharmaceutical companies to provide guidelines for new synthetic drugs.

THE GREEKS – History of Science

The first people to stab to improve the theory after their vision was the Greeks. People like Pythagoras, who focused on the theory of secular mathematics. Similarly, Aristotle and Plato set up sophisticated methods to explore the world around them.

The Greeks first recommend that matter made up of atoms – basic particles that could be further disintegrated.

But the Greeks were not the only ones to advance science. Science was still developing in India, China, the Middle East, and South America. Despite their worldly ideas, each of them independently constructed such items as guns, soap, and paper.

However, it was not until the 13th century that this great scientific work integrates into European universities. And that it began to look like science as we know it today.

Progress was slow at first. For example, it was not until the 16th century that Copernicus changed (literally) the way we view the Universe, and that Harvey put his ideas on how blood circulates in the human body. This slow progress was sometimes the result of religious teaching, but it was also the result of troubled times!


It was not until the 17th century that modern science was born. And the world began to explore more and more, using instruments such as the telescope, microscope, clock, and barometer. It was also during this time that scientific laws began to be put in place for such things as gravity and the way the volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas are related.History of Science

In the 18th century, much of the simple biology and chemistry develop as part of the Age of Explanation.

The 19th century saw some great scientific names. People like the chemist John Dalton, the inventor of the atomic theory, Michael Faraday and James Maxwell both introduced theories of electricity and magnetism, and Charles Darwin, who proposed (still) the contradictory theory of evolution. Each of these breakthroughs forced scientists to rethink their theories on how the earthworks.

A century ago it yielded similar discoveries and quantum mechanics. To that required scientists to look at things from a completely different perspective. It makes you wonder what the iconoclastic discovery of this century will be.



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